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Found 83172 results for any of the keywords student leadership. Time 0.008 seconds.
Leadership Governance - The British School New DelhiThe Leadership Team works in close partnership with the Board of Governors to set the strategic direction of the school
Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad | Student Leadership, Politics, EducationBharatiya chhatra sansad is a national platform to encourage student leadership who are politically and socially active to come and share their views on current issues as well as politics or situations which help to s
JEFF GERBER PRESENTS - HomeAre you looking to build relationships and connect people?
About | Youth In Politics, Student Leadership, School Of GovernmentMIT School of Government (MIT-SOG) is the first school of its kind to create future political leaders. Initiated in the year 2005
Leadership | Mitsog | Youth In Politics, Student Leadership, School OfMIT School of Government, Pune has been established with the clear objective of imparting leadership training to educated youth of India desirous of making a career in politics and government and providing selfless servi
National Study Tour to Delhi | Youth In Politics, Student Leadership,The National Study Tour is usually conducted during the budget session beginning February / March each year to Delhi. During the visit, the MPG participants are able to witness first hand, the proceedings in the Lok Sabh
Social Initiatives | Youth In Politics, Student Leadership, School OfMIT School of Government understands the importance of social innovation and has been very active to voice up for social causes. MIT-SOG organises Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad since past 11 years and has been instrumental in
Field Visits | Youth In Politics, Student Leadership, School Of GovernMITSOG organises local Field visits study tours are an extension to the classroom sessions and provide practical insights about the functioning of government at various levels
International Study Tour | Youth In Politics, Student Leadership, SchoThe International Study Tour is organized towards the end of the first academic year for a duration of two weeks to Europe. This is a unique opportunity for participants to get exposed to international politics and exper
Leadership Development | Mason G. Smoak Foundation | United StatesA Student Leadership non-profit organization. Be like mason... Be an Oak, plant your roots deep in faith, drink up the water of life and you will grow, reach out and shade. I will endeavor to embrace...
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